System module

The system module has nothing more than just runtime version and getting account details. But for your convenience we've added a huge list for all possible account retrieval options:

interface SystemModule {
    suspend fun runtimeVersion(): RuntimeVersion?
    suspend fun accountByAccountId(accountId: ByteArrayConvertible): Account?
    suspend fun accountByAccountId(accountId: AccountId): Account?
    suspend fun accountByAccountId(accountIdHex: String): Account?
    suspend fun accountByPublicKey(publicKey: ByteArray): Account?
    suspend fun accountByPublicKey(publicKeyHex: String): Account?
    suspend fun accountByKeyPair(keyPair: KeyPair): Account?

Runtime version

Runtime version is declared like this:

data class RuntimeVersion(
    val specName: String,
    val implName: String,
    val authoringVersion: Index,
    val specVersion: Index,
    val implVersion: Index,
    val apis: List<RuntimeVersionApi>,
    val txVersion: Index,
    val stateVersion: UInt8

data class RuntimeVersionApi(
    @FixedArray(size = 8) val id: List<Byte>,
    val index: Index

Index is a dynamic type, and you can read more about this here.

And to get runtime version, it's simple as that:

val client: SubstrateClient
val runtimeVersion: RuntimeVersion? = client.modules.system.runtimeVersion()

Account details

You can take a look at Account details class below:

data class Account(
    val nonce: Index,
    val consumers: Index,
    val providers: Index,
    val sufficients: Index,
    val data: Data
) {
    data class Data(
        val free: Balance,
        val reserved: Balance,
        val miscFrozen: Balance,
        val feeFrozen: Balance

In addition to Index, here you can find Balance type, which is also another dynamic type.

So here are all examples of how to get account details using different approaches:

val client: SubstrateClient

val keyPair: KeyPair
val account: Account? = client.modules.system.accountByKeyPair(keyPair)

val publicKey: ByteArray = keyPair.publicKey
val account: Account? = client.modules.system.accountByPublicKey(publicKey)
val account: Account? = client.modules.system.accountByPublicKey(publicKey.hex.encode())

val accountId: AccountId = publicKey.ss58.accountId()
val account: Account? = client.modules.system.accountByAccountId(accountId)
val account: Account? = client.modules.system.accountByAccountId(accountId.hex.encode())
val account: Account? = client.modules.system.accountByAccountId(accountId.asByteArrayConvertible())

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